Instructor: Dr. John F. Kros |
Phone: 328-6364 |
Office: 3205 Bate Building |
Email: |
Hours: MTW 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. or by appt. |
![]() |
Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions, Kros, 5th Edition, Kendall/Hunt Order the eBook of the text directly from KendallHunt: or obtain from ECU Bookstore, UBE, etc. |
(NOTE: Joyner Library has copies available for student use on a reference and first come first served basis.) It is perfectly acceptable to buy a used copy of the text. However, used copies do not come with access to the Text Website. Access to the Online Text Materials can be purchased from Kendall/Hunt at the Text Website listed below.
Text Website: Website for Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions. Contains Excel Templates, STUDY GUIDE, interactive models, etc. You need to use the code that accompanies the textbook to access the site. If you bought a used text you will have to purchase an access code separately if you wish to access the Online Text Materials.
Risk Solver Platform (RSP) - a web based version can be found here (this is the best way to access and only way Mac users can use the software) Google Sheets Risk Solver Add-on - if wanted a full term download included with text is at
Treeplan (Excel addin for Decision Trees) - included on the Text Website or at
Assignments and Grading: Assignments are summarized later in this syllabus. Grading will be calculated roughly along the following guidelines and weights with student to student and student to faculty interaction via ongoing, moderated discussion board/chats (e.g. Homework):
Homework |
4 @ 5% |
20% |
Cases - Group Work |
2 @ 6% |
12% |
Quizzes |
5 total (drop one) 4@ 10% |
40% |
Exam |
. |
23% |
Final/Assessment Exam |
. |
5% |
For example, for myself I would name my
first homework assignment file:
Be forewarned, I will either send your assignments back to you ungraded or downgrade your work if you do not follow this naming convention.
Homework will be assigned according to the tentative schedule presented. Please attempt every problem and feel free to ask me or your fellow students for assistance. However, all homework turned in must be your own work and missed assignments will receive a zero grade. Late homework will not be accepted.
The group projects are case study assignments on the area of business problem solving. The case studies must be completed as a group and cannot be completed individually.You will receive more information on the content and format of the case studies early in the term.
Quizzes will be given about once every two weeks. The quizzes will cover material from the previous classes and the problems will be straightforward. The lowest quiz score will be dropped, but missed quizzes can not be made up and will receive a zero grade.
The exam will cover material from the text and my lectures. The problems on the exam will be similar to the quiz and homework problems.A missed exam will receive a zero grade. Please make prior arrangements if the exam will be missed.
Final grades
will be assigned by letter and will be derived approximately
from the grading percentages shown above roughly following the
standard +/- scale. I will assign grades on individual
assignments according to the ECU +/- scale (A = 4.0, A-=3.7,
B+=3.3, B = 3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C = 2.0, C-=1.7, D+ = 1.3, D =
1.0, D- = 0.7, F = 0.0).
Roughly the following grade cut-offs will be used: above 3.7 = A, above 3.3 to 3.7 = A-, above 3.0 to 3.3 = B+, above 2.8 to 3.0 = B, above 2.5 to 2.8 = B-, above 2.2 to 2.5 = C+, above 1.9 to 2.2 = C, above 1.6 to 1.9 = C-, above 1.3 to 1.6 = D+, above 1.0 to 1.3 = D, above 0.8 to 1.0 = D-, below 0.8 = F. Percentage scores will not be assigned.
Attendance: Timely attendance is
the responsibility of the student. There is no penalty
for missed lectures.
Academic Standing |
End of Semester 2 |
End of
Semester 3 |
GPA = 2.0+ |
< 2.0 |
GPA < 2.0 |
Good Standing |
Probation |
1 Semester
Suspension |
East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services located in Slay 138 (252) 737-1016 (Voice/TTY).
Continuity of Instruction: In the event that face-to-face campus classes are suspended for some undetermined length of time due to a pandemic or other catastrophic event, I will strive to continue instruction for our course through Canvas and via email soon after the event occurrence. Students must understand that it may be necessary to make adjustments to instruction modes and/or assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to logon each day and to comply with any needed changes.
OMGT 3223 Tentative Course Outline
TAKE NOTE: Bold Items Indicate Dates When Assignments are Posted or When they are DUE
(e.g., 1/28 is in bold as it is the date for HW 1)
Date: |
Topic |
Homework |
Topics: |
1/14 |
Introduction |
. |
. |
Chapter 1 |
1/16 |
Chapter 3 |
1/21 |
Probability and Statistics |
Chapter 3 |
1/23 |
Probability and Statistics |
3 |
1/28 |
Spreadsheet Modeling I |
Homework #1 -due |
2 |
1/30 |
. |
Chapter 4 |
2/4 |
Decision Analysis |
Chapter 4 |
2/6 |
#1 - Face-to-Face in Bate 3012 |
Chapter 1,2,3 and part of 4 |
2/11 |
Decision Analysis Simulation |
Cross-Over Analysis Graph Video Tutorial Sensitivity Graph Video Tutorial |
2/13 |
Simulation (lab) |
Decision Tree Tutorial Form Groups for Case Study |
Chapter 5 Excel Template for RSP Tutorial Lecture
2/18 | Simulation (lab & case review)
#2 - due |
4 |
2/20 |
Simulation (lab & case review) |
Chapter 5 |
2/25 |
#2 - Face-to-Face in Bate 3012 |
Study Guide for Quiz
#2 |
Chapter 5 |
2/27 |
Simulation (lab & case review) | Case #1 Simulation Model UDB Case Video Tutorial III |
Chapter 5 |
3/4 |
Case # 1
Due TBA |
Group Assignment for March 4th -
Due 5 pm Submit your group's spreadsheet
via email to me - only one submission from one
group member is necessary. Case Study Video
Tutorial on Completing Sellout Probabilities |
Chapter 5 |
3/6 |
CASE #1 due by TBA |
Group Assignment for March 6th -
Due 5 pm Submit your group's spreadsheet
via email to me - only one submission from one
group member is necessary.
CASE #1 due by TBA |
3/11 |
3/13 |
3/18 |
on Case #1 - Due Date TBA |
Example Setup Video - EXCEL Portion Problem to Accompany LP Example Setup Video - .pdf file |
Chapter 8 Formulation and graphical solution method review Specific optimization problems and computer solutions |
3/20 | Optimization
Models Intro. Case #2 (lab) - Case #2 |
. |
Chapter 5 - Simulation |
3/25 |
Case #2 (lab) - Case #2 |
Optimization Tutorial Video Lecture
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 |
3/27 |
Quiz #3 - Face-to-Face in Bate 3012 |
Partial Solutions Quiz#2 Partial Solutions
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 |
4/1 |
Exam I - Due April 3rd by Class Time |
Exam I .pdf Exam I Partial Solutions |
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 |
4/3 |
I Due by Class Time Optimization Models and Intro. Case #2 (lab) |
8 |
4/8 |
Optimization Models and Intro. Case #2 (lab) |
LP Example Setup Video - EXCEL Portion |
Chapter 8 - setting up optimization problems |
4/10 |
Case #2
Due - before class |
8 - setting up optimization problems Chapter 7 |
4/15 |
Quiz #4 - Face-to-Face in Bate 3012 |
. |
. |
4/17 |
Forecasting-Linear Regression |
. |
Chapter 6 LR Example2 |
4/22 |
Forecasting - Linear Regression |
Homework #4 due |
Chapter 6 |
4/24 |
#5 - Face-to-Face in Bate 3012 |
. |
6 and 7 |
4/29 |
No Class this is
treated as a Friday |
. |
. |
5/7 |
Exam 2 pm Bate 3012 |
Final Exam Review - 10 question multiple choice (long green Scantron), 30 minute maximum time, closed book & notes |