Dr. John F. Kros 
Vincent K. McMahon Distinguished Professor of
Marketing and Supply Chain Management
3205 Bate Building
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
e-mail: krosj@ecu.edu

Updated 1/7/25

Consulting Section

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Teaching Section

OMGT 3223 Business Decision Modeling

Section 006 (F2F)

Section 007 (F2F)


JBK Cabling File

The development of quantitative based managerial problem solving and decision making skills. The course builds on the problem solving steps given in Math 1066. This is accomplished via the process of identifying and defining problems, formulating models of the decision situation, applying selected techniques for solution, and interpreting the results in managerial terms. Terminology and quantitative methods are introduced. The actual and potential role of the computer is discussed.
Credits: 3
Pre: MATH 2283

OMGT 4743 Purchasing and Materials Management

Section 601 (Online)

To introduce in detail current topics in purchasing, materials management and enterprise resource planning, and to increase the students' awareness of these topics as they relate to modern manufacturing, service management, and the supply chain as a whole.  Students will gain knowledge and report on (Communicate and Lead) demand estimation, purchasing, and operations planning/control through the analysis (Think and Value) of modern purchasing and materials managment data and systems.

Credits: 3
Pre: Declared Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors

OMGT 6743 Purchasing and Materials Management

Section 601 (online)

Logistics and Materials management as supporting functions of supply chain management. Specific topics include manufacturing planning and control, lean operations, materials handling, inventory flow, warehousing, packaging, purchasing, transportation, and physical distribution.

Credits: 3
Pre: MBA Supply Chain Management Certificate Program and/or MBA Admission

OMGT 6213 Operations & Supply Chain Management

Sections 601 & 602 (online)

Design, operations and improvement of systems that produce a firm’s products and services; management of supply chains; application of conceptual and quantitative techniques.

Credits: 3
Pre: MBA Admission

OMGT 4863 Special Topics in Supply Chain Management

Section 001 (F2F)

To introduce in detail current topics in operations and supply chain management  Specifically hands on group project work with an industry partner in the area.  Catalog Description: Advanced topics of contemporary interest in operations and supply chian management.

Credits: 3
Pre: OMGT 3123 and Declared Operations and Supply Chain Management Majors

OMGT 3123 Operations Management

Section 601 and Section 602 (Online)

Scheduling Template - You can use this template for future scheduling problems

MRP Template - You can use this template for future MRP problems

Aggregate Production Planning Template - Please take note, check your answers by hand as Solver's results may be unreliable here.

Movie Clips Website

Learning Curve Handout - .pdf file

The production/operations function of business is surveyed as it is practical in American industry today, and as it could be practiced in the future. Includes study of the production environment and study of the operations manager's responsibilities in providing goods and services to meet the quality, price, quantity, and needs of the market place. Terminology and quantitative methods are introduced. The actual and potential role of the computer is discussed.

Credits: 3

Pre: MATH 2283

Course description last modified: 5/02