Teaching Philosophy
I have come to believe there are two elements crucial to being a successful educator: 1) a deep concern for the future flourishing of students and 2) a commitment to finding and using the most effective teaching methods available. My ultimate goal as a teacher is to promote the success of my students in whatever career path they choose. My courses are designed to enable students to: 1) develop and trust their own problem-solving skills, 2) learn the nature of science and appreciate how we came to an understanding of the material, 3) interpret scientific data and meaningfully discuss it with others, and 4) lead others in project development. While at ECU, I was able to participate in a year-long Active Learning and Leadership program sponsored by the BB&T Center for Leadership. During that time I re-wrote parts of my University Physics II course to incorporate active learning and leadership principles. Student feedback was very positive about the new course design, and I now incorporate similar principles and practices in all of my courses.
Courses Taught
Instructor of Record
Phys 1251 General Physics Lab
Phys 1261 General Physics Lab
Phys 2360 University Physics II
PHYS 4416 Modern Physics I
PHYS 3417 Modern Physics II
PHYS 4610 Electronics
PHYS 5600 Modern Electronics
PHYS 6528 Topics: Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy
Research Courses
PHYS 3718 Undergraduate Research in Physics
BIOL 3504 Research in Biology
BIOL 3550 Research in Biology with Writing
PHYS 6900 Introduction to Research
PHYS 9000 Dissertation
Guest Lectures
BIME 4030 Biomechanics and Materials