Since Fall 2019, I have been teaching at East Carolina University. My current position is Teaching Assistant Professor. At ECU, I have taught Math 1050 (Explorations in Mathematics), Math 1064 (Applied Mathematics for Business), Math 1065 (College Algebra), Math 2119 (Elements of Calculus), Math 2121 (Calculus for the Life Sciences I), Math 2122 (Calculus for the Life Sciences II), Math 2154 (Engineering Linear Algebra and Differential Equations), Math 2172 (Calculus II), and Math 3331 (Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations). In this role, I have had experience instructing in-person and through distance education.
While at the University of Maryland, I have been a sole contact instructor for Math 241 (Calculus III), Math 141 (Calculus II), Math 113 (College Algebra and Trigonometry), Math 111 (Introduction to Probability), and Math 110 (Elementary Mathematical Models).
I have had experience as a teaching assistant for Math 241 (Calculus III), Math 240 (Introduction to Linear Algebra), Math 141 (Calculus II), and Math 140 (Calculus I).
Also, I have graded for Math 740 (Fundamental Concepts of Differential Geometry), Math 734 (Algebraic Topology), Math 730 (Fundamental Concepts of Topology), Math 600 (Abstract Algebra I), Math 405 (Linear Algebra), Math 403 (Introduction to Abstract Algebra), Math 240 (Introduction to Linear Algebra), Math 113 (College Algebra and Trigonometry), and Stat 100 (Elementary Statistics and Probability).