
Last lecture: whole meeting or just the lecture (by Randy Pausch)
Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes (by Richard St. John)
Letter to my younger self (by Ray Allen)

Graduate School

The Parchment Path? (by George V. Neville-Neil)
What I Wish I Had Known Early in Graduate School but Didn’t (by Sven Koenig)
How to Succeed in Graduate School (by Marie desJardins)
How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia (by Dave Patterson)
Ten Simple Rules for Graduate Students (by Philip E. Bourne)
Computer Science Graduate School Survival Guide (by Ronald Azuma)
How to be a Terrible Graduate Student (by Graeme Hirst)


How to build an economic model in your spare time (by Hal R. Varian) - how to choose research ideas
Ten Simple Rules for Doing Your Best Research, According to Hamming (by Thomas C Erren et al.)
Framework of Problem-Based Research: A Guide for Novice Researchers on the Development of a Research-Worthy Problem (by Ellis and Levy)
A Systems Approach to Conduct an Effective Literature Review in Support of Information Systems Research (by Levy and Ellis)
Ten Simple Rules for Getting Published (by Philip E Bourne)
What Makes a Result Negative? (by Noah A. Smith)
Choosing a venue: conference or journal? (by Michael Ernst)

Reading Resources

Infographic: How to read a scientific paper (by Natalia Rodriguez)
How to read a scientific paper (from Purdue libraries)
How to read a paper (by Srinivasan Keshav)
How to read a research paper (by Luis Enrique Sucar)
How to read a research paper (by Michael Mitzenmacher)
How to read a scientific article (by Mary Purugganan and Jan Hewitt)
Scientific article review (from Writing Studio)
Reading scientific papers (by Robert Siegel)

Writing Resources

Academic Phrasebank (by John Morley)
11 steps to structuring a science paper editors will take seriously (by Angel Borja)
How to write a great research paper (by Simon Peyton Jones et al.)
Ten simple rules for structuring papers (by Brett Mensh and Konrad Kording)
How to Write a Good Scientific Paper (by Chris A. Mack)
Short Guide to Scientific Writing (by Emma Sayer)
Writing a technical paper (by Michael Ernst)
How to write papers and give talks (by Bill Freeman, Antonio Torralba, Phillip Isola)
The Science of Scientific Writing (by George D. Gopen and Judith A. Swan)
Writing Clearly and Simply (by WebAIM)
Writing content with the inverted pyramid style (by Edwin Toonen)
How to set up an easy-to-read text (by Marieke van de Rakt)
Generic Technical Paper Skeleton
Helpful Hints for Technical Paper Writing
Teach Technical Writing in Two Hours per Week
How to Organize your Thesis (by John W. Chinneck)
How to Write an Abstract (by Philip Koopman)
7 steps to publishing in a scientific journal (by Aijaz Shaikh)
Ten Reasons Why TeX is Better than Word
The Elements of Style (by William Strunk)
Good enough practices in scientific computing (by Greg Wilson, Jennifer Bryan, Karen Cranston, Justin Kitzes, Lex Nederbragt, and Tracy K. Teal)
How to publish a scientific paper: Writing the paper
Survey papers
Some thoughts about writing a survey paper (by Lotzi Bölöni)
How to write survey or review papers (by Barton P. Miller)
ECU's Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission Service
The University Writing Center
Joyner Library's guide to resources available for computer sciences
From Data to Viz
Fundamentals of Data Visualization (by Claus O. Wilke)

Oral Presentations

How to Give a Good Research Talk (by Simon Peyton Jones et al.)
Giving a technical presentation (giving a talk) (by Michael Ernst)
Hints for Giving a Good SURF, REU, etc. Talk
How to Give a Talk (by Bill Freeman, Antonio Torralba, Phillip Isola)
Ten Simple Rules for Making Good Oral Presentations (by Philip E. Bourne)
How to Give a Bad talk (by J. Ousterhout, T. Anderson, D. Patterson, channeled by M. Dahlin)
How to Give a Bad Practice Talk (by Milo M. K. Martin)
Bad Talk, Good Talk (by David G Messerschmitt)

Poster Presentations

Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation
Making a technical poster (by Michael Ernst)
Creating a Poster (from The Writing Center at University of Wisconsin – Madison)
Poster Design Guide (from The Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication)
How to Create a Research Poster


Notes on Constructive and Positive Reviewing
John Ousterhout's Hints for Reviewing Papers


Upcoming ACM conferences
Picking publication targets (by Carlos Baquero) Google Scholar Metrics
Advice for first-time conference attendees (by David Notkin)
Conference Etiquette (by Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood)
Attending an Academic Conference (by by Michael Ernst)

Job Search

Online Resources for Graduating Students (ACM)
Job Search Tips for International Students
A career coach unlocks the secret to acing your job interview and combating anxiety (by Marielle Segarra, Clare Marie Schneider, Iman Young)


Requesting a letter of recommendation (by Michael Erns)
Why Get an Internship (by Michael Ernst)
Ten Simple Rules for Choosing between Industry and Academia
Getting an academic job (by Michael Ernst)