Christopher P. Furner - Research -

Christopher P. Furner, Ph.D.

Professor: East Carolina University

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


Brown, C.T., Zinko, R., Ngamassi, L., Ndembe, E. and Furner, C.P. (2025). Barriers to intention to adopt telemedicine: The interplay between exposure, trust, and convenience. Health Marketing Quarterly, 44(1), 1-23.


Eseryel, U.Y., Furner, C.P., Eseryel, D., Pasamehmetoglu, A., Killingsworth, B.L., Reed, A.H., Johnson, A.J. and Erkan-Barlow, A. (2024). The role of gender in transformational information technology leadership: Extending the glass-cliff theory. Advances in Business Research, 14, 20-39. Advances in Business Research

Eseryel, U.Y., Killingsworth, B.L., Reed, A.H. and Furner, C.P., (2024). Strengthening cybersecurity resilience with transformational IT leadership: PASTA-TITL Threat modeling framework. Journal of Leadership and Management, 10(2), 39-53. Journal of Leadership and Management


Furner, C.P., Drake, J.R. and Paul, R. (2023). A longitudinal study of the interplay between team dynamics and media use in virtual teams. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 29(1), 16-37.

Zinko, Robert, and Furner, C.P., (2023). How Many Is Too Many: An Examination of Images in Electronic Word of Mouth. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 17(3), 112-126.


Furner, C.P., Drake, J.R., Zinko, R. and Kisling, E. (2022). Online review antecedents of trust, purchase and recommendation intention: A simulation-based experiment for hotels and AirBnBs. Journal of Internet Commerce, 21(1), 79-103.

Tran, T., Furner, C.P. and Gugenishvili, I. (2022). The effects of task service fit on brand loyalty: A study of branded apps. International Journal of e-Services and Mobile Applications, 14(1), 1-19.

Furner, C.P. and Zinko, R. (2022). The influence of information technology on resources which yield sustained competitive advantage. Amity Jounral of Management, 10(1), 15-19.


Paul, R., Furner, C.P., Drake, J.R., Hauser, R. and Kisling, E. (2021). The moderating effect of virtuality on team trust and effectiveness. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 64(2), 185-200.

Tran, T., Furner, C.P. and Albinsson, P. (2021). Understanding drivers and outcomes of brand attachment in mobile branded apps. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 38(1), 113-124.

Furner, C.P., Yoon, T., Zinko, R. and Goh, S. (2021). The influence of reviewer and consumer congruence in online word of mouth transactions. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 19(3), 1-15.

Zinko, R., Patrick, Z., Furner, C.P., Gaines, S., Kim, M.D., Negri, M., Orellana, E., Torres, S., and Villarreal, C. (2021). Responding to Negative Electronic Word of Mouth to Improve Purchase Intention. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6), 1945-1959.

Furner, C.P., Kisling, E. and Zinko, R. (2021). Digital Solutions to Decision-Making Limitations: For Better or Worse? Amity Journal of Management, 9(1), 1-6.

Zinko, R., Furner, C.P. de Burgh-Woodman, H., Johnson, P. and Sluhan, A. (2021). The addition of images to eWOM in the travel industry: An examination of hotels, cruise ships and fast food reviews. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(3), 525-541.


Drake, J.R. & Furner, C.P. (2020). Screening job candidates with social media: A manipulation of disclosure requests. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 32(4), 63-84.

Furner, C.P. & Grubb, W.L. (2020). The influence of observable interview behaviors on the willingness to accept a job offer. Amity Journal of Management, 8(2), 29-39.


Furner, C.P. & Zinko, R. (2018). Willingness to pay and disposition toward paying for apps: The influence of application reviews. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, 10 (1), 13-33.

Furner, C.P., Zinko, R. & Zhu, Z (2018). Examining the role of mobile self-efficacy in the relationship between informaiton load and purchase intention in mobile reviews. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, 10 (4), 40-60.


Furner, C.P. & Zinko, R.A. (2017). The influence of information overload on the development of trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews in a mobile vs. web environment: An empirical investigation. Electronic Markets, 27 (3), 211-224.

Zinko, R.A., Furner, C.P., Prati, M., Heyden, M. & Tuchtan, C. (2017). A study of negative reputation in the workplace. Journal of Career Assessment, 25 (4), 632-649.

Zinko, R.A., Tuchtan, C., Hunt, J., Meurs, J., Furner, C.P. & Prati, M. (2017). Gossip: A channel for the development of personal reputation. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 25 (3), 516-535.


Keith, M., Babb, J., Furner, C.P. Abdullat, A. & Lowrey, P. (2016). Limited information and quick decisions: consumer privacy calculus for mobile applications. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (3), 88-130.

Furner, C.P., Zinko, R.A. & Zhu, Z. (2016). Electronic Word-Of-Mouth and Information Overload in an Experiential Service Industry. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 26 (6), 788-810.


Keith, M., Babb, J., Lowrey, P., Furner, C.P. & Abdullat, A. (2015). The role of mobile-computing self-efficacy in consumer information disclosure. Information Systems Journal, 25 (6), 637-667.

Furner, C.P., Racherla, P. & Babb, J. (2015). What we know and do not know about mobile app usage and stickiness: A research agenda. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, 7 (3), 48-69.


Furner, C.P., Racherla, P. & Zhu, Z. (2014). A multinational study of espoused national cultural and review characteristics in the formation of trust in online product reviews. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 20 (1/2/3), 14-30.

Furner, C.P., Racherla, P. & Babb, J. (2014). Mobile app stickiness (MASS) and mobile interactivity: A conceptual model. The Marketing Review, 14 (2), 163-188.


Furner, C.P. (2013). Cultural determinants of information processing shortcuts in computer supported groups: A Review, research agenda and instrument validation. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 4 (3), 17-32.

Furner, C.P. & Goh, S.H. (2013). Cultural determinants of socially desirable distortion in computer based data collection: A multicultural investigation. International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in Information Technology, 3 (3) 51-67.

Furner, C.P., McDowell, W. & Zinko, R. (2013). Media selection and the imposter phenomenon: A multinational investigation. Communications of the IIMA, 13 (4) 17-34.

Furner, C.P. (2013). Getting heads into the cloud: Pre-adoption beliefs and attitudes regarding a cloud-based platform shift at a public university. Journal International Technology and Information Management, 22 (3), 1-18. Keynote Paper.


Furner, C.P. & George, J.F. (2012). Cultural determinants of media choice for deception. Computers in Human Behavior 28 (4), 1427-1438.

Furner, C.P., Racherla, P. & Zhu, Z. (2012). Uncertainty, trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews: An introduction to an international study. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 11 (3-4) 260-276 .

Racherla, P., Furner, C.P. & Babb, J. (2012). Multi-channel interactions and customer relationship in service firms: A theoretical model. Journal of International Business 4 (1) 131-155. EBSCO

Landram, F.G., Landram, S.V. & Furner, C.P. (2012). Forecasting procedures for success: Model derivation and evaluation. Southwestern Economic Review, 39 (1) 137-144.


Zinko, R.A., Furner, C. P., Herdman, A., Brees, J., Wikhamn, W., & Grant, G. (2011). Gossip: A vehicle for the development of personal reputation in organizations. Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology, 2 (1).

Furner, C.P. (2011). Socially desirable reporting in international computer based data collection: A review and research agenda. Journal of International Management Studies, 6 (1), 185-201. CiteSeer


Chang, L., Furner, C. P. , & Zinko, R. A. (2010). A study of negotiations within the ethnic Chinese community between Taiwan and Hong Kong. Management Research and Practice, 2 (4), 329-343. Open Access

Zinko, R. A., Furner, C. P. , Royal, M. T. , & Hall, A. (2010). Self-perceptions of our personal reputations: The mediating role of image in the development of organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of International Management Studies, 5 (1), 1-9. Open Access


Giordano, G.A. & Furner, C. (2009). Individual determinants of media choice for deception. Journal of Information Technology Management, 20 (2), 1-10.

Furner, C.P., Mason, R. M., Mehta, N., Munyon, T. P., & Zinko, R. A. (2009) Cultural Determinants of Learning Effectiveness from Knowledge Management Systems: A Multinational Investigation. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 12 (1), 30-51.

Book Chapters

Yoon, T.E., Goh, S., Zinko, R. and Furner, C.P. (2020). The effects of culture and data collection mode on socially desirable distortion and confidentiality concerns in survey research. In Idemudia, E. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Dynamics in the Digital Era (Ch 2, pp. 22-42). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Furner, C.P., Racherla, P., Babb, J. and Zinko (2018). Mobile Application Stickiness: Why do mobile applications get deleted so quickly? In Khosrow-Pour, M. (Ed.), Optimizing Current Practices in e-Services and Mobile Applications (Ch 6, pp. 114-138). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Furner, C.P., Racherla, P. & Babb, J. (2016). What we know and do not know about mobile app usage and stickiness: A research agenda. In Khosrow-Pour, M. (Ed.), Geospatial Research: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Ch 5, pp. 117-141). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Drake, J., Furner, C.P., & Mehta, N. (2021). Privacy policy violations: A corporate nexus of healthcare providers and social media platforms. Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, a Pre-International Conference on Information Systems SIG (SIG Security and Privacy) workshop.

Zinko, R.A., Furner, C.P., Heyden, M.L. & Dalton, A. (2017). Seeing is believing: The effects of images on resulting trust and purchase intent in eWOM. International Conference on Marketing and Tourism.

Furner, C.P., Zinko, R.A. & Zhu, Z. (2015). The influence of information overload on the development of trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews in a mobile vs. web environment: A research proposal. Wuhan International Conference on e-Business.

Drake, J.R. & Furner, C.P., (2015). Screening job candidates with social media: A manipulation of disclosure requests. America's Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).

Furner, C.P., Zinko, R.A., Zhu, Z., McDowell, W., Dalton, A. (2014). Information quality and product reviews in a mobile environment: the effects of information overload and mobile computing constraints. Wuhan International Conference on e-Business.

Furner, C.P., Racherla, P. & Zhu, Z. (2013). Cultural and review characteristics in the formation of trust in online product reviews: A multinational investigation. Wuhan International Conference on e-Business. Best Paper.

Keith, M., Babb, J., Furner, C. P., & Abdullat, A. (2011). The role of mobile self-efficacy in the adoption of geospatially-aware applications: An empirical analysis of iPhone Users. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Furner, C. P. , Racherla, P., & Zhu, Z. (2011). Uncertainty, trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews: an introduction to a multinational study. Wuhan International Conference on e-Business (WICEB).

Keith, M., Babb, J., Furner, C. P. , & Abdullat, A. (2010). Privacy Assurance and Network Effects in the Adoption of Location-Based Services: an iPhone Experiment. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).

Zinko, R. A., Furner, C. P. , Royal, M. T. , & Hall, A. (2010). Self-perceptions of our personal reputations: The mediating role of image in the development of organizational citizenship behaviors. Global Business & International Management Conference.

Furner, C.P. & George, J.F. (2009). Making it hard to lie: Cultural determinants of media choice for deception. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, HI. Awarded Best Paper: Social Issues Track.

Furner, C.P. & Mason, R.M. (2006) Cultural determinants of knowledge management system training outcomes: the mediating effect of learning preferences. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico.

Pratt, R. M., Smatt, C. M., Furner, C.P. and Keane, B.T. (2005) A review of epistemology and subject areas in MIS research. Proceedings of the Southern Association of Information Systems (SAIS), Savannah, GA, 282-288. 1st Runner Up: Best Student Paper.

Serino, C., Furner, C.P., & Smatt, C.M. (2005) Making it personal: How personalization affects trust over time. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa, HI.

Other Peer-Reviewed Presentations

Drake, J.R., Furner, C.P. & Mehta, N. (2021). Privacy Policy Violations: A Corporate Nexus of Healthcare Providers and Social Media Platforms. Presented at the 2021 International Conference on Information Systems, Workshop on Information Security and Privacy.

Keith, M., Babb, J., Lowrey, P., Furner, C.P. & Abdullat, A. (2011). The roles of privacy assurance, network effects, and information cascades in the adoption of and willingness to pay for location-based services with mobile applications. Presented at the 2011 Dewald Roode Information Security Workshop.

Racherla, P. & Furner, C.P. (2009). Cultural determinants of consumers’ evaluation of online product reviews: An uncertainty reduction perspective. Presented at the annual meeting of the pre-ICIS special interest group on cross-cultural research in information systems. Phoenix, AZ.

Giordano, G.A. & Furner, C. (2007). Individual determinants of media choice for deception. Presented at the 6th annual meeting of the pre-ICIS special interest group on human computer interaction. Montreal, Québec, Canada.

Furner, C. (2005). Cultural determinants of knowledge management systems learning effectiveness: A multinational investigation. Presented at the 2005 Monieson Centre Doctoral Consortium on Knowledge Management hosted by Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Other Presentations

Furner, C.P., Zinko, R.A. & Zhu, Z. (2015). The influence of information overload on the development of trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews in a mobile vs. web environment: An empirical investigation. Presented at the 2015 Electronic Markets Paper Development Workshop at the Wuhan International Conference on e-Business.

Jafar, M. & Furner, C.P. (2010). Data Mining with SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio: A hands-on approach. Workshop presented at the 16th America’s Conference on Information Systems. Lima, Peru.

Papers Under Review

Dr. Furner generally has multiple papers under review. Please Contact Me for more information.



Mobile Computing
-Location-Based Privacy
-Mobile App Stickiness
-Mobile Commerce
-Mobile Self-Efficacy

Culture in IS
-Media Choice
-Purchase Intention
-System Adoption & Use
-Socially Desirable Distort


Keynote Paper: JITIM 2013

Best Paper, 12th Wuhan International Conference on e-Business 2013

Best Paper: Social Issues Track, 42nd HICSS 2009

1st Runner Up: Best Paper, 8th SAIS, 2005