Recent Presentations
- M. Dingfelder,
Transport models for fast ion tracks, including
space radiation and HZE particles.
Invited talk presented at "A One Day Symposium: The
prominent role of low energy electrons and ions in
radiation therapy and biology", November 30 - December 1
2012, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
- M. Dingfelder,
Monte Carlo codes for charged particle track
structure simulations.
Invited talk presented at the QSMC 2012
Nano-IBCT Workshop Quantum Scattering codes and
Monte Carlo simulations to model dynamical processes in
biosystems, November 7 - 9 2012, Madrid, Spain.
- M. Dingfelder,
Heavy ion track structure simulations at
relativistic energies .
Talk presented at the 27th Brandt-Ritchie Workshop: Particle
penetration phenomena and excitation of solids, Playa
del Carmen, Mexico, December 17-19 2007.