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Dr. Michael Dingfelder


Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies in Physics
Department of Physics

East Carolina University • Mailstop 563 • Greenville, North Carolina 27858-4353 • USA
252-328-0882 office  252-328-6314 fax

Group 2005 Rad. Res 2006 Buenos Aires 2006  

Recent Presentations

  1. M. Dingfelder,
    Transport models for fast ion tracks, including space radiation and HZE particles.
    Invited talk presented at "A One Day Symposium: The prominent role of low energy electrons and ions in radiation therapy and biology", November 30 - December 1 2012, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
  2. M. Dingfelder,
    Monte Carlo codes for charged particle track structure simulations.
    Invited talk presented at the QSMC 2012 Nano-IBCT Workshop Quantum Scattering codes and Monte Carlo simulations to model dynamical processes in biosystems, November 7 - 9 2012, Madrid, Spain.
  3. M. Dingfelder,
    Heavy ion track structure simulations at relativistic energies .
    Talk presented at the 27th Brandt-Ritchie Workshop: Particle penetration phenomena and excitation of solids, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, December 17-19 2007.