Haiyong Liu Curriculum Vitae CONTACT INFORMATION Brewster Building A-428, Department of Economics East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Tel: 252-328-1083 Fax: 252-328-6743 E-mail: liuh@ecu.edu Webpage: http://myweb.ecu.edu/liuh AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Labor
Economics, Applied Econometrics, Health Economics, Development Economics EDUCATION Ph.D. (Economics), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill B.S. (Economic Geography), Peking University, Beijing, China PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2015- Chair, Department of Economics, East Carolina University 2016- Professor, Department of Economics, East Carolina University 2010-16 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, East Carolina University 2003-16 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Department of Economics, East Carolina University 2001 Instructor, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill AWARDS AND HONORS Chair’s Award for Innovation, Efficiency, and Impact, Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University, Spring 2017 College Research Award, Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University, Summer 2013 Most Outstanding Faculty of the Year, Department of Economics, East Carolina University, 2011 College Research Award, Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University, Spring 2009 Most Outstanding Faculty of the Year, Department of Economics, East Carolina University, 2007 Visiting Scholar, National Poverty Center, University of Michigan, Spring 2005 College Research Award, Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, East Carolina University, Spring 2005 Invitee, Institute for Research on Poverty Summer Research Workshop, University of Wisconsin at Madison, June 2004 Southern Economic Association Honorarium, November 2002 North Carolina Supercomputing Center High Performance Computing Resources Allocating Award, 2002-2003 Merit Scholarship, University of North Carolina 1998-1999 Tung
Chee Hwa Prize, Graduate School of Chinese Academy
of Sciences, 1997-1998 GRANTS Finding Signal in the Noise to Enable Science-Based
Community Response to Change in Coastal Region, Funded by National Science
Foundation (NSF) Research Traineeship (NRT) Program (Senior personnel) with
Stephen Moysey (Lead PI), Rebecca Asch, Mark Bowler, James Etheridge, Keith
Keene, Sid Mitra, Sharon Paynter, Ariane Peralta. August 1, 2021 – July 2026.
An evaluation of Project TRIP: A program that aims
to reduce barriers to health care and increase the health and well-being of
disadvantaged rural adults in eastern North Carolina, Funded by Duke
Endowment (Co-PI) with Abby Schwartz (PI) and Alice Richman (Co-PI), July 1,
2020 - December 31, 2021. A Study of the Economic Impact of Fort Bragg (PI)
with Meghan Millea, United States DOD Department of the Army (DA), September
– November 2018. Evaluating Alternatives to Traditional Probability
Based Survey Techniques for Unregistered Boater Data Capture
(Co-Investigator), United States Coast Guard, September 2017 – September
2018. Contextual Risk Factors in African American Health: A Multilevel Analysis, Michigan Center for African American Aging Research Grant (with Fran Yong), September 2010-August 2011. Maternal Working Schedules and Child Care Arrangements, East Carolina University Research/Creative Activity Awards, October 2008-2009. School Choice, Maternal Employment and Child Achievement, NIH/NICHD grant (1R01HD047213) (with Tom Mroz and Wilbert van der Klaauw), October 2006- July 2010. “Analysis and Perspective of Safeguards System Effectiveness” US Department of Energy grant (with Ruth Kempf, Richard Ericson, Gail Ratcliff), July 2006-June 2007. Childhood Obesity and Poverty, IRP-USDA Small Grant, July 2005-December 2006. East Carolina University Research Development Grant, May 2005-December 2006. Publicly Provided Health Insurance, Maternal
Employment, and Child Health, Association for Public Policy and Management
(APPAM), June 2004-December 2005. JOURNAL ARTICLES Rashmita Basu and Haiyong
Liu, “Financial Burdens of Out-Of-Pocket Spending Among Medicare
Fee-For-Service Beneficiaries,” Medical
Care Research and Review, August, 2021. John Bishop, Haiyong Liu,
Lester Zeager, and Yizhen Zhao, 2020, “Revisiting Macroeconomic Activity and
Income Distribution in the United States,” Empirical Economics, 59, 1107–1125. Fan-chin Kung and Haiyong
Liu, 2019, “Underinsurance Caused by Uninsurable Losses in the Public Good
and Personal Assets,” Review of
Economics & Finance 15(1), 14-22. Craig Landry, Alyson Lewis, Haiyong Liu, Hans Vogelson, 2016. “Economic Value and Impact of Visitation to Cape Hatteras National Seashore: Addressing Onsite Sampling,” Marine Resource Economics, 31(3), 301-322. Wenli Li, Haiyong Liu, Fang Yang, and Rui Yao, 2016. “Housing over Time and over the Life Cycle: A Structural Estimation,” International Economic Review, 57 (4), 1237–1260. John A. Bishop, Haiyong Liu, and Zichong Qu, 2014. “Individual Perceptions of Distributional Fairness in China,” Comparative Economic Studies, 56 (1), 25-41. Ismael Ahamdanech-Zarco, John A. Bishop, Andrew Grodner, and Haiyong Liu, 2014. “Subjective Poverty Equivalence Scales for Euro Zone Countries”. Journal of Economic Inequality, 12, 265-278. Stephanie B. Jilcott, Haiyong Liu, et al., 2011. “Association between Travel Times and Food Procurement Practices among Female Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participants in Eastern North Carolina,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 43(5), 385-389. Jared McGuirt, Stephanie Jilcott, Haiyong Liu, and Alice Ammerman, 2011. “Produce price savings for consumers at farmers' markets compared to supermarkets in North Carolina,” Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 6(1), 86-98. Stephanie B. Jilcott, Haiyong Liu, Katrina, DuBose, Susan Chen, and Sibylle Kranz, 2011. “Food Stamp Participation is Associated with Fewer Meals Away From Home, Yet Higher BMI,” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 43(2), 110-115. Stephanie B. Jilcott, Haiyong Liu, Justin B. Moore, Jeffrey W. Bethel, James Wilson, Alice Ammerman, 2010. “Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Weight Status in Rural and Urban North Carolina Counties,” Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(5), 1-10. Bishop, John, Haiyong Liu, and Lester Zeager, 2011. “The Disappearing Nutritional Bias Against Chinese Girls,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 29(3), 461-468. Haiyong Liu, Thomas Mroz, and Wilbert van der Klaauw, 2010. “Maternal Employment, Migration, and Child Development.” Journal of Econometrics, 156(1), 212-228. Linda Adair, Haiyong Liu, and Thomas Mroz, 2009. “Parental Compensatory Behaviors and Early Child Health Outcomes in Cebu, Philippines” Journal of Development Economics, 90(2), 209-230. Craig E. Landry, and Haiyong Liu, 2009. “A Semi-Parametric Estimator for Revealed and Stated Preference Data: An Application to Recreational Beach Visitation.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 57, 205-218. Haiyong Liu, 2008. “The China Health and Nutrition Survey.” Journal of Economic Inequality, 6, 373-376. Haiyong Liu, 2008. “A Migration Study of Mother’s Work, Welfare Participation, and Child Development.” Labour, 22(1), 23-71. John A. Bishop, and Haiyong Liu, 2008. “Liberalization and rent-seeking in China’s labor market.” Public Choice, 135, 151-164. John A. Bishop, J.R. Chiou, Andrew Grodner, and Haiyong Liu, 2007. “Gender Earnings Differentials in Taiwan: A Stochastic Frontier Approach.” Journal of Asian Economics, 18(6) 934-945. John A. Bishop, Haiyong Liu, and Qi Meng, 2007. “Are Chinese Smokers Sensitive to Price?” China Economic Review 18(2) 113-121. WORKING PAPERS Zongwu
Cai, Haiyong Liu, and Xuan Liu, 2020. “GHH Preferences on Households’
Portfolio Choices: Theoretical Implications and Empirical Evidence”. WORK IN PROGRESS Wenhua Di, Haiyong Liu, “Spillover Effects of Student Loan Borrowing.” Haiyong Liu, “Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Teenager Educational Performance.” BOOK CHAPTERS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS John
A. Bishop, Haiyong Liu, and Juan Rodriguez, 2018. “Long-Run Factors
Influencing Intergenerational Perceived Job Status Mobility” Inequality,
Taxation and Intergenerational Transmission (Part of Research on
Economic Inequality, 26, 219-246) John
A. Bishop, Haiyong Liu, and Juan Rodriguez, 2014. “Cross-Country Intergenerational
Status Mobility: Is There a Great Gatsby Curve?” Economic well-being and
inequality (Part of Research on Economic Inequality, 22, 237-249). John
A. Bishop, Haiyong Liu, and Buhong Zhang, 2010. “Rising Incomes and
Nutritional Inequality in China” in John Bishop (ed.) Studies in Applied
Welfare Analysis: Papers from the Third ECINEQ Meeting (Part of Research
on Economic Inequality). Craig
E. Landry and Haiyong Liu. 2010. “Econometric Models for Joint Estimation of
RP-SP Site Frequency Recreation Demand Models” in Tim Haab, Ju-Chin Huang,
and John Whitehead (eds.), Preference Data for Environmental Valuation:
Combining Revealed and Stated Approaches (Part of Routledge
Explorations in Environmental Economics) Gu, Chaolin, Xiuhong Hu, Haiyong Liu, and Guochen Song, 2004, “Situation of the Urban Rich”, in Peilin Li, Qiang Li and Liping Sun (eds) Social Stratification in China Today, pp. 264-282. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press. Gu, Chaolin, Haiyong Liu, 2002, “Social Polarization and Segregation in Beijing” in John Logan ed., The New Chinese City: Globalization and Market Reform, pp. 198-211. London: Blackwell Publishers Gu, Chaolin, Haiyong Liu, 1999, “The Floating Population Concentration Areas in Beijing: Patterns, Structure, and Functions,” Scientia Geographica Sinica, 19(6): 503-509. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS The
2019 Annual Meetings of American Economic Association/Society of Government Economists in Atlanta, GA
January 2019, “Spillover Effects of Student Loan Borrowing.” The 2016 Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association in Washington DC, November 2016, “Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Teenager Educational Performance.” The 2013 Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association in Tampa, November 2013, “Individual Perception of Inequality and Social Mobility.” The 2012 Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association in Atlanta, November 2012, “Family Income and Childhood to Adolescence Obesity: When the Link Emerges and How It Grows.” The 2010 Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association in Atlanta, November 2010, “Growing up poor and weight problems” and “Financial Aid and College Going Behavior.” “Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Weight Status in Rural and Urban North Carolina Counties”, International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Conference, June 2010. “Commute Times, Food Retail Gaps, and Weight Status in Rural and Urban North Carolina Counties”, The 6th Annual Jean Mills Health Symposium: Race, Stress and Health, February, 2010. Department
of Economics, California State University at Fullerton, November 2009. NON-ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS Guest Speaker at Kinston Rotary Club, NC, January 2007, “China’s Economy and Its Impact on US.” PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND AFFILIATIONS Member of American Economic Association, Econometric Society, Southern Economic Association, Population Association of America
for Applied Geography, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal
of Business & Economic Statistics, International Economic Review, Journal
of Econometrics, Southern Economic Journal, American Journal of
Agricultural Economics, World Development, Natural Hazard Review, LABOUR,
Journal of Applied Econometrics, Education Finance and Policy, The
Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Research
Award Program, Applied Economics, National Science Foundation, Journal
of Health Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of Environmental
Management, Issues in Economics and Business