Time evolution of effective temperature and transverse flow for volume cells within |eta|<1/2, calculated with the string melting version of the AMPT model (AMPT-SM): each cell has a transverse size of 1 fm along the x- and y-axis; the transverse area considered has a radius of 11.5 fm, i.e. sqrt(x^2+y^2) < 11.5 fm; the range of time is from 0.2 fm/c to 15.0 fm/c in step of 0.2 fm/c. The effective temperatures are extracted from the parton energy density, mean pT, and parton number density in the local frame of each cell; and multiple events have been averaged over for each of the four collision systems.
A few key AMPT parameters have been tuned to obtain reasonable fits to RHIC and LHC data for 0-5% and 20-30% centralities on dN/dy, pT-spectra and elliptic flow of pions and kaons below pT of 2 GeV/c. Details of the study can be found in the following paper: Zi-Wei Lin, Evolution of transverse flow and effective temperatures in the parton phase from a multi-phase transport model, Physical Review C 90, 014904 (2014). Each of the following files gives the space-time evolution in the following format: The first two lines are explanations, then each subsequent line lists the following: x, y, t, betax, betay, Tedens, T<pt>, Tn In the above, x and y (in fm) give the center position of the volume cell in the transverse plane; t (in fm/c) represents time in the center-of-mass frame; betax (in c) is the flow velocity along the x-axis; betay (in c) is the flow velocity along the y-axis; Tedens (in MeV) represents the effective temperature extracted from the parton energy density in the local frame of the cell; T<pt> (in MeV) represents the effective temperature extracted from the parton mean pT in the local frame of the cell; Tn (in MeV) represents the effective temperature extracted from the parton number density in the local frame of the cell. 1) Grid data file for b=0-3 fm Au+Au collisions at 200AGeV (to represent 0-5% centrality)
2) Grid data file for b=7.3 fm Au+Au collisions at 200AGeV (to represent 20-30% centrality)
3) Grid data file for b=0-3.5 fm Pb+Pb collisions at 2760AGeV (to represent 0-5% centrality)
4) Grid data file for b=7.8 fm Pb+Pb collisions at 2760AGeV (to represent 20-30% centrality)