Can't shut down the line, put'em in.


How do Scheduling and Supply Chain Management Go Hand in Hand?
1.     Demand Management/Forecasting impacts planning for the procurement of parts/services and in turn supplying those parts/services to the shop floor and/or to the customer.
2.     Today, Software such as ERP systems assist with Planning and Scheduling.
3.     Inbound  logistics play a large role in the delivery of parts to a factory.

Questions for Thought:
1.     Why is the Supervisor not more concerned about quality and making sure the correct part is installed?
2.     Do managers rely on "meeting the schedule" metric too often?  Have you ever worked in a job that the "meeting the schedule" metric was pushed too hard at the expense of say Quality or Customer Service?
3.     What is another metric that could be used in conjunction with throughput that accounts for Quality and/or Customer Service?

Federal Express TV Commercial
US Historical Reel
March 6, 2001