Research Interests


Taguchi Methods in Multiresponse Engineering Design

Published Work
Kros, J. F., Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management, 1st ed., New York: JoswyBass-John Wiley & Sons, (forthcoming Fall 2012).
Kros, J. F., Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions, 3rd ed.. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 2011.
Veney, J. F., Kros, J. F., and Rosenthal, D. A., Statistics for Health Care Professionals 2nd ed.. New York: JoseyBass-John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Kros, J. F., Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions, 2nd ed.. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 2009.
Kros, J. F., Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Decisions, 1st ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Kros, J. F., Test Bank: Integrated Operations Management, Hanna/Newman authors, New York: Prentice-Hall, 2000.
Kros, J. F., Reviewer for Applied Management Science, Lawrence and Pasternack, authors, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Brown, M., and Kros, J. F. The Impact of Missing Data on Data Mining, in Data Mining: Challenges and Issues, Fall 2002.
Journals Back to Top

Kros, J. F., Nadler, S. S., & Chen, H., Borger, T. M. "RFID Usage Within the Public Sector Supply Chain: Innovative Tool but Lagging Use," Distribution Business Management Journal, 12, 53-57, (2011) .
Kros, J. F., Richey, R. G., Chen, H., and Nadler, S. S., "Technology Emergence Between Mandate and Acceptance: An Exploratory Examination of RFID," International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 41(7), 697-716. (2011)
Kros, J. F. & Keller, C. M. “Exam Reliability,” Marketing Education Review, 21, 213-229, (2011).
Kros, J. F., Nadler, S. S., & Chen, H. "The adoption and utilization of online auctions by supply chain managers," Transportation Research Part E, 47, 105–114, (2011) .
Kros, J. F. & Keller, C. M. "Seasonal Regression Forecasting in the U.S. Beer Import Market," Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, 7, 73-96, (2010).
Brown, E. C. & Kros, J. F., "Reducing Room Turnaround Time at a Regional Hospital," Quality Management in Health Care 19(1), 90–102, (2010).
Kros, J. F. & Nadler, S. S. "An assessment of supply chain managers’ trust in online auctions," Industrial Management and Data Systems, 110 (6), 805-822, (2010)
Kros, J. F. & Nadler, S. S. “The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Off-balance Sheet Supply Chain Activities,” Journal of Business Logistics, 31 (1), 63-77, (2010).
Carolan, C. A., Kros, J. F., & Said, S. E. “Economic Design of Xbar Control Charts with Continuously Variable Sampling Intervals,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26, 235-245, (2010).
Kros, J. F. Keller, C. M. “FDA Drug Approval Intervals from 1997-2006: Analysis and Comparison During Information Technology Implementation,” International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, 5 (2), 164-176, (2009).
Kros, J. F. & Keller, C. M. “Competitive Set Forecasting in the Hotel Industry with an Application to Hotel Revenue Management,” Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, 6, 3-14, (2009).
Kros, J. F., Dellana, S., & West, D. “A Spreadsheet Patient Scheduling Model for a Student Health Center,” INTERFACES, (2009).
Kros, J. F. & Nadler, S. S. “Longitudinal Regression Forecasting using Excel,” Marketing Education Review, 18(3), 67-81, (2008).
Nadler, S. S. & Kros, J. F. “Application of a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective: A Post 9/11 Survey of the US Trucking Managers,” International Journal of Society Systems Science, 1 (2), 174-192, (2008).
Nadler, S. S. & Kros, J. F. “An Introduction to Sarbanes-Oxley & its Impact on Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, 29 (1), 241-255, (2008).
Morse, M., Kros, J. F., & Nadler, S. S. "A Decision Model for The Analysis of Ergonomic Investments," International Journal of Production Research, 46(16), 4445-4469, (2008).
Kros, J. F. “Forecasting With Innovation Diffusion Models: A Life Cycle Example In The Telecommunications Industry,” Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, 5, 159-168, (2008).
Kros, J. F., Nadler, S., & Molis, J. “Customer Relationship Management in the Contract Pharmaceutical Industry: An Exploratory Study for Measuring Success,” International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, 3 (3), 353-366, (2007).
Nadler, S. S. & Kros, J. F. “Forecasting with Excel: Suggestions for Managers,” Spreadsheets in Education, 2 (2), 211-231, (2007).
Kros, John F, Brown, Marvin, Lin, Mike. “Effects of Neural Network s-Sigmoid Function on KDD in the Presence of Imprecise Data,” Computers & Operations Research, 33, 3136-3149, March (2006).
Kros, John F, Falasca, Mauro, Nadler, Scott. “Impact of Just-In-Time Inventory Systems on OEM Suppliers,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, 106, 224-241, March (2006).
Kros, John F. “Forecasting New Product s with a Non-Cumulative Logistic Growth Model: A Case Study of Modem Technology,” Journal of Business Forecasting Methods and Systems, 1-6, Spring (2005).
Kros, John F, Molis, Justin, “Keys to CRM Success: How Well are Contract Pharmaceutical Companies Doing in the CRM Game?,” Marketing Health Services, 24, 32-36, Winter (2004).
Kros, J. F., Foltz, C. B. & Linnes, C., “Assessing & Quantifying the Loss of Network Intrusion,” Journal of Computer Information Systems, XLV, No. 2, 36-43, Winter (2004-2005).
Kros, J. F., & Mastrangelo, C. M., “Comparing Multi-Response Design Methods with Mixed Responses,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International 20, 527-539, (2004).
Kros, J. F., & Qian, J., “Analysis of US Food and Drug Administration Review Intervals for Drugs Approved During the Period 1997-2002,” American Journal of Therapeutics 11(5), 337-343, (2004).
Kros, J. F., & Yim, R., “A Decision Support System for quantitative measurement of operational efficiency in a blood collection facility,” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 74, 77-89, (2004).
Keller, C. M., & Kros, J. F., “VA-TX Investment Corporation: Credit Card Division,” INFORMS Transactions on Education, 4(2), (2004).
Polito, T., Kros, J. F., & Watson, K., “Improving Operations Management Concept Recollection Via the Zarco Experiential Learning Activity,” Journal of Education for Business 79(5), 283-286, (2004).
Kros, J. K., & Brown, M., “Data Mining and the Impact of Missing Data,” Industrial Management and Data Systems, 108, 200-219, (2003).
Kros, J. F., & Mastrangelo, C. M., “Comparing Methods for the Multi-Response Design Problem,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International 17, 323-331, (2001).
Keller, C., & Kros, J. F., “Teaching Communication in an MBA Operations Research/Management Science Course,” Journal of the Operational Research Society 51(12), 1433-1439 (2000).
Kros, J. F., & Mastrangelo, C. M., “The Introduction of Non-Quadratic Loss Functions into Taguchi’s Robust Design Methodology,” Quality Engineering 10(3), 509-519 (1998).
Refereed Proceedings Back to Top
Keller, C. M. & Kros, J. F. “An Algorithm for Decomposing Mixed Market Hotel Data & Its Relation to Revenue Management,” DSI Conference, Fall 2008, Baltimore, MD.
Kros, J. F. & Keller, C. M. “An Algorithm for Decomposing Mixed Market Hotel Data,” INFORMS Conference, Fall 2008, Washington, DC.
Kros, J. F. , Nadler, S. S. & Chen, H. “The Adoption and Utilization of Online Auctions by Supply Chain Managers,” CSCMP Conference, Fall 2008, Denver, CO.
Kros, J. F. “Forecasting with Innovation Diffusion Models Using Spreadsheets,” SEDSI Conference, Spring 2008, Orlando, FL.
Keller, C. M. & Kros, J. F. “Home-Field Advantage in Competitive and Non-Competitive Games in College Football,” DSI Conference, Fall 2007, Phoenix, AZ.
Keller, C. M. & Kros, J. F. “Upset Victories in NCAA Division I-A College Football. DSI Conference,” Fall 2007, Phoenix, AZ.
Kros, J. F. & Brown, M. “A Comparison of Two Data Mining Algorithms in the Presence of Missing Data,” INFORMS Conference, Fall 2007, Seattle, WA.
Nadler, S. S. & Kros, J. F. “An Assessment of the Impact of 9/11 on JIT Inventories,” SMA Conference, Fall 2007, San Antonio, TX.
Kros, John F. “First Tier Supplier Effects form OEM Just-In-Time Inventory Systems Adoption,” DSI Conference, Fall 2006, San Antonio, TX.
Nadler, S. Scott, and Kros, J. F., “An Introduction to Sarbanes-Oxley and Its Impact on Supply Chain Management: A Research Agenda,” SMA Conference, Fall 2006, Nashville, TN.
Nadler, S. Scott, and Kros, J. F., “An Introduction to Teaching Forecasting with Excel: Suggestions for Supply Chain Instructors,” SMA Conference, Fall 2006, Nashville, TN.
Kros, John F., Dellana, Scott, and West, D. “A Spreadsheet Patient Scheduling Model for a Student Health Center,” INFORMS Conference, Fall 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Kros, John F. “Impact of Just-In-Time Inventory Systems on OEM Suppliers,” NEDSI Conference, Spring 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Kros, John F., Brown, Marvin, Lin, Mike. “Data Mining with Imprecise Data,” NFORMS Conference, Fall 2005, San Francisco, CA.
Kros, John F. “Forecasting with Diffusion Models: A Telecommunications Industry Example,” DSI Conference, Fall 2005, San Francisco, CA.
Kros, John F. “Optimization of a Production Plan Using Taguchi Robust Design POMS conference, Spring 2005, Chicago, IL.
Kros, John F. “Process Quailty Management and Multiple Response Design Models for the Manufacture of Semiconductors,” NEDSI Conference, Spring 2005, Philadelphia, PA.
Kros, John F, Foltz, Charles B., Metcalf, Cathrine L. “Assessing & Quantifying the Loss of Network Intrusion,” SEDSI Conference, Spring 2005, Raleigh, NC.
Kros, J. F., “Forecasting With Innovation Diffusion Models: A Life Cycle Example in the Telecommunications Industry,” DSI conference, Fall 2004, Boston, MA.
Kros, J. F., & Brown, M. L., “Impact of the Neural Network s-Sigmoid Function in the Presence of Imprecise Data on KDD,” INFORMS conference, Fall 2004, Denver, CO.
Kros, J. F., & Brown, M. L. “Slicky Lube – Statistical Case Study,” DSI conference, Fall 2003, Washington, DC.
Kros, J. F., & Brown, M. L., “Effects of the Neural Network s-Sigmoid Function of KDD in the Presence of Imprecise Data,” INFORMS conference, Fall 2003, Atlanta, GA.
Kros, J. F., “Optimization of a Production Plan Using Taguchi Robust Design,” POMS conference, Spring 2003, Savanah, GA.
Kros, J. F., & Brown, M. L., “Impact of Missing Data & Transfer Function Type in the Data Mining Process,” INFORMS conference, Fall 2002, San Jose, CA.
Kros, J. F., & Brown, M. L., “Slicky Lube Case Study - A Statistical Decision Support System,” WDSI conference, Spring 2002, Las Vegas, NV.
Leung, S., Keller, C. M., & Kros, J. F., “A Decision Support Model for a Tour Company's Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows,” WDSI conference, Spring 2002, Las Vegas, NV.
Keller, C., & Kros, J. F., “Connectivity at the Sand Villa,” DSI Case Studies Award Competition, DSI conference, Fall 2001, San Francisco, CA.
Keller, C., & Kros, J. F., “Sterling Investments,” INFORMS Case Studies Competition Finalist Session, INFORMS conference, Fall 2001, Miami, FL.
Kros, J. F., & Wood, H., “Kealoha Plantation: Optimizing Coffee and Macadamia Nut Production,” WDSI conference, Spring 2001, Vancouver B.C.
Kros, J. F., & Fang, A., “UDB Consulting: Event Site Selection,” DSI Case Studies Award Competition, DSI conference, Fall 2000, Orlando, FL.
Kros, J. F., & Mastrangelo, C. M., “Methods for Multiple Response Design Problems,” INFORMS conference, Fall 2000, San Antonio, TX.
Keller, C., & Kros, J. F., “Addressing Unstructured Problems in an MBA Operations Research/Management Science Course,” WDSI conference, Spring 2000, Maui, HI.
Keller, C., & Kros, J. F., “VA-TX Investment Corporation: Credit Card Division,” DSI Case Studies Award Competition, DSI conference, Fall 1999, New Orleans, LA.
Keller, C., & Kros, J. F., “Quantitative Methods Learning Sources and Forms of Instructor Feedback,” DSI conference, Fall 1999, New Orleans, LA.
Kros, J. F., “Writing Across the MS/OR Curriculum: Effects of Integrating a Writing/Research Component into an MBA Quantitative Methods Course,” INFORMS conference, Spring 1999, Cincinnati, OH.
Kros, J. F., “Creating and Maintaining OR/MS Websites,” INFORMS conference, Fall 1998, Seattle, WA.
The Integration of A Research/Writing Component into a Graduate MBA Quantitative Methods Course - Fall Decision Sciences Institute, 1998, Las Vegas.

Works in Progress


JFKPoll - College Football Rankings

Weekly College Football Power Rankings based on multiple statistical criteria
Optimization of a Production Plan Using Taguchi Robust Design - Abstract