Process Planning and Technology Decisions
George, you'd make a good traffic cop!

Process Planning & Technology Decisions - Does a firm need "traffic cops"?


Regardless of what the process or technology is that is being employed, operations managers must determine capacity. Capacity utilization is cornerstone to efficient operations. If facilities are too large or processes contain too much slack, time and money is wasted. However, if facilities are too small or processes not run efficiently, time and money are also wasted. At times managers become "traffic cops" in charge of facilitating high rates of utilization of plant, equipment, or processes.

Questions for Thought:

1. Can you name some jobs that would be considered "traffic cop" positions?

2. How do firms better utilize plant, equipment, and processes?

3. In the video clip, a bottleneck has developed and the process has broken down for the advancing army. Why was General Patton successful in sorting out the bottleneck and utilizing the roads to their fullest capacity?


Twentieth Century Fox