Just-in-Time Systems
Just what it wants, just when it needs it!

Just-in-Time Systems


What is Just-in-Time and how is it Characterized?

1.     JIT is characterized by producing/assembling/sourcing/processing only what is needed when it is needed.
2.     JIT tends to be a philosophy that a firm adopts company-wide and should function as an integrated system.  Kanban is a large part of this integrated system.
3.     A mandate of JIT is to eliminate all waste.

Questions for Thought:
1.     Can you think of examples of JIT in your everyday life?  How about the push for fast food restuarants to make it when you order it?
2.     Do you run a JIT system for any parts of your personal life?  For exampole, you may know people that only withdrawal money from the ATM when they know they will be using it in the very near future.  What are some of the ramifications of JIT planning?
3.     Are their disadvantages to JIT?  What do you think they would be?  Have you ever heard of the term Just-in-Case?  Look it up online and see what you get.

Federal Express TV Commercial
US Historical Reel
March 6, 2001