Human Resources
We always find it better to fire people on a Friday.




Human Resources - Layoffs, promotions, and empowerment...


There is a old saying that everyone rises to their own level of incompetence. Although there may be a grain of truth to the saying, usually one must perform well to be given extra responsibility and/or a promotion. Employee empowerment has become a buzzword in corporate culture. Enlarging employees jobs so that the added responsibility and authority is moved to the lowest level possible in the organization is the goal of employee empowerment. However, some studies have revealed that not all workers find the idea of empowerment something they wish to be a part of.

Questions for Thought:

1. Have you ever worked at a job where layoffs were common?

2. Can you think of certain industries that are prone to layoffs or reductions in force?

3. What do you think of the strategy suggested by the consultants, the "Bobs", in promoting Peter but firing his colleagues?

Office Space
Twentieth Century Fox