Human Resources and Operations - Unionization of the Service Industry


Headline:AMA Wants to Unionize


"Shop rules say I handle arteries, that's no artery, that's a vein, Local 506 handles veins..."


In mid-1999, the American Medical Association (AMA), voted to form a national labor organization. The AMA is one of the oldest medical physician's organizations in the U.S. Labor organization is most frequently associated with physical or manufactured products and in industries such as automobiles (UAW), truck driving (Teamsters), or mining (UMWA ). However, as the U.S. moves toward a more service based economy, unionization of service oriented industries has become a reality.

Questions for Thought:

1. Why did the AMA unionize?

2. What does this mean for managed care, doctors, and patients?

3. How does unionization effect service industries?

Information Area:

Labor Unions, the Service Industry, and Human Resources in Operations Management


AMA and Unionization: