Welcome to the Hudson Lab at ECU
Research in the Hudson Lab focuses on problems at the intersection of physics, biology, and medicine. In particular we are interested in understanding the design principles undergirding the function of mechanical proteins. We apply a large variety of methodological tools including Fluorescence Microscopy, FRET, Atomic Force Microscopy, Centrifuge Force Microscopy, Microfluidics, and Protein Engineering to solve these problems. We are always interested in collaborators, so let us know if we can help you.
Student Highlights
Graduate Student Aravind Elangovan and Undergraduate Student Dylan Miller spent time at the Advanced Imaging Center at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus.
Undergraduate Student Victoria Gonzalez Mundarain won an award for her presentation at ECU's Research and Creative activities Week (RCAW).
Undergraduate Student Elizabeth Viverette finished her senior thesis on fibrinogen structure and graduated from the ECU Honors College. Elizabeth won an ECU URCA award for her research and now is a Cryo-EM Microscopist for the NIEHS.
Links of Interest
Below find links to some of the groups and organizations that help to make the Hudson Lab successful.