Coorganizer with with
V. Harizanov, F.
Pop, J.
Park, P. Hieronemy of a trimester “DDC@HIM”, Fall 2025, link
to the trimester program
Coorganizer with with
V. Harizanov, F.
Pop, B. Mazur, K.
Rubin, J. Park of a workshop “DDC@Cambridge”, Cambridge,
MA, July 2023, link
to the announcement
Coorganizer with V. Harizanov, F.
Pop, B. Mazur, K.
Rubin, J. Park of an online FRG workshop hosted at Penn, June
2023, link to the program
Coorganizer with V. Harizanov and W. Calvert of
a special session in memory of Martin Davis, JMM January 2024, link
to the program.
Speaker at the DDC day at Penn, October 8, 2023,``HTP10
over Number Fields and beyond'', link to the program.
Speaker at DDCNT at SLMath, Part II, “-th Powers Equations and
Definability of Polynomials'', July 2022, link to the talk
Speaker at the Definability seminar, Fall 2020, DDCNT at SLMath, Part I,
“What is existentially definable in between and
?”, link to the talk
Speaker at the Valuation Theory seminar, Fall 2020, DDCNT at SLMath, Part I “Existential
definability of valuations over function fields with constant fields embeddable
into q-bounded algebraic extensions of local fields and H10 over these fields”,
link to the talk
Co-organizer (with Valentina Harizanov,
Maryanthe Mallaris, Barry Mazur, Russel
Miller, Jonathan
Pila, Tom Scanlon, Carlos
Videla) of MSRI Semester on Definability,
Decidability and Computability in Number Theory, Fall 2020
Speaker at the Logic Seminar, Department of Mathematics, George
Washington University, March 2020, Washington DC.
Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, George Washington
University, March 2020, Washington DC
Invited speaker at Southeastern
Logic Colloquium 2020/ Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 29, 2020.
Speaker at the AMS-ASL Special Session Logic
looking outward, January 15, 2020, JMM, Denver Colorado
Speaker at Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, Department of Mathematics,
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 29, 2019.
Co-organizer (with Jennifer Park, Kirsten Eisentraeger,
Valentina Harizanov)
of and a speaker at the American Institute of
Mathematics workshop Definability and
Decidability Problems in Number Theory, San Jose, May 6-10, 2019
Co-organizer (with Jennifer Park, Kirsten Eisentraeger,
Deirdre Haskell) of AMS-ASL
Sprcial Session on Definability and Decidability
Problems in Number Theory, JMM 2019, Baltimore.
Invited Speaker, Mathematics is a long
conversation: a celebration of Barry Mazur, June 4-8, 2018, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA
Speaker, Oberwolfach
Workshop on Computability, Oberwolfach, Germany,
January 2018. More information about the
workshop is available here.
Speaker, Logic Seminar, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ, February 2017
Invited speaker, MAMLS 2017,
Wesleyan University, Middletown CT, October 2017. More information about the conference is
available here.
Member of the ASL Committee on
Logic in North America
Speaker at the Special Session on Coding Theory, Cryptography, and Number Theory, March 2017, Charleston, SC.
Co-organizer with Russel Miller and Valentina Harizanov
of Special
Session on Computability in Algebra and Number Theory, March 2017, Charleston, SC.
Invited Speaker, Winter Meeting of
the ASL (Joint Meetings), Atlanta, January 2017.
Co-organizer with Jochen Koenigsmann, Hector Pasten
and Xavier Vidaux
of a Workshop on Definability
and Decidability in Number Theory in Oberwolfach,
Germany, October 2016
Speaker at the Number Theory Seminar, Department of Math,
Harvard University, September 2016.
Invited Speaker at TAMC 2015,
Singapore, May 2015
Speaker at the Special
Session on Computable Structures Theory, Georgetown University, DC, March
7-8, 2015.
Speaker, Department of Math. and
Physics Colloquium, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada, September 2014.
Speaker, Number Theory Seminar,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, September 2014.
Speaker, Logic Seminar, George
Washington University, Washington, DC, April 2014.
Co-organizer with Thomas Scanlon, Xavier Vidaux,
and Carlos Videla of an AIM meeting on Definability and
decidability problems in Number Theory.
Speaker at the special session on
Computable Structures/ Model Theory, ASL Annual North American Meeting, May
2013, University of Waterloo.
Speaker, Math Department
Colloquium, George Washington University, Washington, DC, March 1, 2013
OF ABELIAN VARIETIES IN FAMILIES, November 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland
Invited Speaker, Turing in Context II,
Brussels, Belgium, October 2012
Invited Speaker, Logic Colloquium
2012, Manchester, UK, June 2012.
Speaker at Special
Session on Computable Mathematics in Honor of Alan Turing, 2012 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting of AMS,
George Washington University, Washington, DC
Speaker at Special
Session on Rational Points of Varieties, AMS Meeting, Boston, January 2012
Speaker, Number Theory Seminar, Department of Math, Penn
State, December 2011
Invited speaker, Computability in Europe 2011,
Sofia, Bulagria, June 2011
Speaker at the Women in Computability Workshop, Computability in Europe 2011,
Sofia, Bulagria, June 2011
Co-organizer (with Dieter Spreen)
of a special session on Computability in Analysis,
Algebra, and Geometry, Computability in Europe 2011,
Sofia, Bulagria, June 2011
Speaker at the AMS
Special Session on Algebra and Model Theory at the First AMS-SoMaChi
Meeting, held
in Pucón, Chile, 15-18 December,
Invited Speaker at the meeting on Definability in Number Theory, Ghent,
Belgium, August 2010.
Speaker at the UCLA Undergraduate
Summer School in Logic, July 16, 2010.
Member of the panel on Hilbert’s Tenth Problem (with Martin
Davis, Bjorn Poonen,
and Karl Rubin) at JMM, San Francisco,
January 2010.
Invited Speaker at the Diverse Faces of Arithmetic Conference, University of East
Anglia, Norwich, UK, December 14-16, 2009
Speaker at the Special Session
on Function Fields and their Applications, 2009 Fall Eastern Section
Meeting, University Park, PA, October 24-25, 2009
Member of the Mathematics and Statistics Evaluation Group, National Science and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, 2009-2012.
Invited Speaker at the ASL Annual North American Meeting,
Notre Dame, Indiana, May 2009.
Member of Hausdorff Research Institute
for Mathematics Bonn, Germany, January – April, 2009
Speaker at the Workshop on New Methods in Hilbert's 10th
Problem, Hausdorff Research Institute for
Mathematics, February 2009, Bonn, Germany.
Colloquium Speaker,
Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of Concepcion, Concepcion,
Chile, June 20, 2008.
Colloquium Speaker,
Department of Mathematics, University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, June
23, 2008.
MASS Colloquium Speaker, Penn State, State College, PA,
November 2007.
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar Speaker, Penn State, State
College, PA, November 2007.
Colloquium Speaker, Department of Mathematics, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Canada, October 2007.
Colloquium Speaker, Department of Mathematics, Physics and
Engineering, Mount Royal College, Calgary, Canada, October 2007.
Invited Speaker, Number Theory and Computability Workshop,
ICMS, Edinburgh, UK, June 2007
Invited Speaker, Clay Institute Conference on Hilbert's
Tenth Problem, March 2007, Cambridge, MA. Slides of my talk can be
found here.
Invited Speaker, Workshop on Model Theory and Computable
Model Theory, Gainesville, Florida, February 2007. Click here for PDF slides
of my talk.
VIGRE and Number Theory Seminar Speaker, University of
Georgia, October 2006. Click
here for PDF slides of my VIGRE talk.
Colloquium Speaker. University of Utrecht, Netherlands,
October 2006.
Speaker at the Field Arithmetic meeting, Oberwolfach,
Germany, February 2006. Click
here for PDF slides of my talk.
Member of MSRI for the Rational Points Semester, Spring
2006, Berkeley, CA.
Co-organizer (with Bjorn
Poonen, Karim Zahidi, and Xavier Vidaux)
of Workshop on Hilbert's Tenth Problem at American Institute of Mathematics,
Palo Alto, Ca, March 2005. Click here for some pictures
I took at the meeting.
Program Committee Member, ASL Winter Meeting (joint with
AMS), Atlanta, January 2005.
Logic Seminar Speaker, Mathematics Institute of Oxford
University, Oxford, UK, March 2004.
Number Theory Seminar Speaker, Imperial College, London, UK,
March 2004.
Colloquium Speaker, Department of Mathematics, University of
East Anglia, Norwich, UK, March 2004.
Seminar Speaker, Department of Mathematics, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2003.
Co-organizer (with Gunther Cornelissen, Yurii Matiyasevich, and Maxim Vsemirnov)
of a Workshop on Hilbert's Tenth Problem,
Mazur's Conjectures and Divisibility Sequences, Oberwolfach, Germany, January 2003. Click here for some pictures I
took at the meeting.
Participant and speaker at the workshop on rational and
integral points on higher-dimensional varieties, American Institute of
Mathematics, Palo Alto, California, December 2002. Click here for the
workshop web page.
Logic Seminar speaker, Department of Mathematics, University
of Athens, Athens, Greece, November, 2002.
Colloquium speaker, Department of Mathematics, University of
Crete, Heraklion, Greece, November 2002.
Speaker at 21st Days of Weak Arithmetic, St. Petersburg,
Russia, June 2002. Click
here for the conference home page.
Participant in the Field Arithmetic Meeting, Oberwolfach, Germany, February 2002.
Participant in the Recursion Theory Meeting, Oberwolfach, Germany, January 2001.
Participant and speaker in the Workshop on Arithmetic
Geometry, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, December 2000.
Speaker, Special Session on Recursion Theory, ASL Winter
Meeting, Washington DC, January 2000.
Invited Speaker, Workshop on Hilbert's Tenth Problem and
Algebraic Geometry, Gent, Belgium, November, 1999.
Invited speaker, AMS Summer Research Conference on
Computability Theory and Applications, Boulder, Colorado, June 1999.
Speaker at the AMS Special Session on Computability Theory,
AMS Meeting, Gainsville, Florida, March 1999.
Colloquium speaker, Mathematics Department, University of
Arizona, Tucson, February 1998.
Speaker at the Logic Seminar, Graduate School, City
University of New York, December 1997.
Invited speaker at the National Security Agency Grants Day,
Fort Meade, Maryland, July 1997.
Participant and speaker at the Recursion Theory Workshop,
Kazan, Russia, July 1997.
Colloquium speaker, Mathematics Department, Notre Dame
University, May 1997.
Colloquium speaker, Mathematics Department, George
Washington University, April 1997.
Participant and speaker at the Recursion Theory Meeting, Oberwolfach, Germany, 1996.
Invited Speaker at the winter meeting of the Association for
Symbolic Logic, San Francisco, 1995.
This page was last modified on 4/12/20.